
Fuller Name


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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Proposed Redraft of the Wisconsin Corporation Laws Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Nathan Feinsinger - Mediator and Arbitrator Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
New Bankruptcy Amendments: Some Problems of Construction, The Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
L.K. Garrison Individual Photo
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Lloyd K. Garrison Individual Photo
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Hurst on Garrison Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Harvard Law School regarding a honorary degree for Lloyd Garrison. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding the establishment of a Dean Lloyd Garrison fund at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Dedicatory to Lloyd K. Garrison, past dean at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Document
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding personal anecdotes and professional on goings. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding recent publications and Nixon's impeachment. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding personal anecdotes and current legal research. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Publication Reviews and Correspondence Regarding "The Growth of American Law: The Law Makers" (1950) Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Publication Reviews and Correspondence Regarding "Law and the Conditions of Freedom in the Nineteenth-Century United States" (1956) Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Lloyd K. Garrison regarding Diane Sherman, an applicant to Garrison's New York City law firm. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding Nathan Feinsinger. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence from Hurst to Anita Morse of the University of Wisconsin Law Library regarding a new mural. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Lloyd Garrison regarding Hurst's retirement and funding for legal history research. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding Garrison's professional activities. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding a review Hurst had written and news surrounding the field of legal education. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Lloyd Garrison regarding a recommendation for Hugh Scallon. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Charles W. McCurdy of the University of Virginia regarding Lloyd Garrison and "Liberty of Contract." Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Kjell A. Modeer of the University of Virginia regarding Lloyd Garrison and Felix Frankfurter. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Lloyd Garrison regarding the resignation of Justice Bork. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A handwritten correspondence from Lloyd K. Garrison to Frances and Willard Hurst. Correspondence