About the Law School Digital Repository
The University of Wisconsin Law School Digital Repository is a generally open access collection of UW Law School historical documents, 'born digital' documents, faculty scholarship, journal articles, oral histories, photos, videos, and other special collections. The Repository is maintained by the Law Library and is meant to give users greater access to the resources. The repository is for researchers and others who want to learn more about UW Law School's history and scholarship and to provide greater exposure to works created by faculty and staff at the UW Law School. The repository also supports the research of the broader legal community by housing a collection of Wisconsin Supreme and Appellate Court briefs and providing a secure, alternative access point for collections created in partnership with organizations such as the Madison Equal Opportunities Commission and the Open Law Library. These collections promote the Law Library’s commitment to providing open access to primary law.
Accessibility Policy - The UW Law Library is committed to making the materials it provides access to as broadly accessible as possible, and to ensuring that access to its content is consistent with obligations under state and federal disabilities law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Takedown Policy The goal of all of our digital collections is to preserve and provide access to important scholarly information for present and future generations. To ensure the integrity of the materials preserved therein, this policy governs any request to remove materials published in our digital collections. This policy aims to meet the obligations of copyright, privacy, revision, and access with transparency. In support of its mission, it is generally the policy of the Law Library to provide access as broadly as possible to the materials we hold, consistent with our legal and ethical obligations, while removing materials for compelling legal or ethical reasons.
Please contact the UW Law School Repository administrators with any questions.