Wisconsin Briefs Collection

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Browse the Wisconsin Briefs Collection

The Wisconsin Briefs Collection is a collaboration between the Wisconsin State Law Library and the UW Law Library to make these historical briefs readily available to the largest audience possible.

Law Books

The Wisconsin State Law Library scanned thousands of documents in their print collection of briefs and the UW Law Library generated a searchable database using these images and made them freely available from our repository.

What does the Wisconsin Briefs collection contain?

  • Briefs and appendices from cases 173 Wis.2d (November 1992) through 317 Wis.2d (July 2009)
  • See WSCCA for more recent briefs. For other dates, see Wisconsin Briefs Availability By Date.

There are many briefs for each case number, how do I know which one I need?

Where can I find briefs not included in this collection?

How can I verify what briefs have been filed in a case?

What if I have more questions? Who should I contact?

Contact the UW Law Library:

  • With questions on searching or viewing briefs in the database

Contact the Wisconsin State Law Library:

  • With questions on database content: missing briefs, scanning errors, etc.
  • For access to briefs not available in either the UW Law Library or WSCCA databases
  • For assistance locating pre-173 Wis.2d briefs
  • For assistance obtaining docket numbers

What about privacy concerns?

Wisconsin has a strong open records law [Wis. Stats. 19.31-19.39] that requires most court records to be open. Personal information appearing in court records is protected by statutes only in limited circumstances. For more information regarding open records and statutory exceptions, see the WCCA's Frequently Asked Questions.