Keith A. Findley, Innocence Found: The New Revolution in American Criminal Justice, Chapter 1 in Controversies in Innocence Cases in America (Sarah Lucy Cooper, ed., Ashgate Publishing 2014)
This short extract--the first four pages of Chapter 1 in an edited volume, Controversies in Innocence Cases in America--begins to describe the history and significance of the Innocence Movement in the American Criminal Justice System. The full chapter traces the origins of the innocence organizations that came together to form the Innocence Network and fostered the new Innocence Movement, the manner in which the Innocence Movement has created an impetus and model for criminal justice reform that shifts the focus from the Warren Court's due process revolution of the 1960s to a more substantive focus on reliability. In this framework, the chapter then considers some of the specific reforms that have emerged from the Innocence Movement's focus on substantive justice, and the challenges that lie ahead.