
Fuller Name


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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Michigan regarding a recommendation for Willard Wirtz. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Chicago regarding the possible termination of the American Bar Foundation's Research Journal. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence from Hurst to Gordon Sinykin regarding a recommendation for Professor Spencer Kimball to assist in a revision of Wisconsin insurance law. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence from Hurst regarding a recommendation for Professor Spencer Kimball. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Michigan regarding Law and the Conditions of Freedom. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Michigan regarding Kimball's appointment to Director of Legal Research at the University of Michigan. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Michigan regarding a research project on insurance materials. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Spencer Kimball regarding Black faculty. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Memorandum to Hurst from Spencer Kimball regarding the mediation center. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Spencer Kimball regarding the graduate research committee. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Spencer Kimball regarding the trip Hurst would take to Michigan for a seminar course including a discussion on legal research, and Hurst’s text Law and the Conditions of Freedom. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Utah regarding a professorship at the University of Michigan. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Kenneth Thompson of the Rockefeller Foundation regarding a grant proposal for Spencer Kimball in legal-economic history. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Professor Spencer Kimball of the University of Michigan regarding Kimball’s text "Insurance and Public Policy." Correspondence