

Image Title Type
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence to Hurst from Erwin Griswold of the Law School of Harvard University regarding a donation from Hurst honoring the memory of Merrick Dodd. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Erwin N. Griswold regarding a recommendation for Robert Atwell. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard Law regarding Hurst's article entitled "Research Responsibilities of Law Schools." Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard Law regarding Hurst's nomination for the James Barr Ames Prize for Law and Conditions of Freedom. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold, and Pendleton Herring of the Social Science Research Council regarding a proposal on the methodologies for editing board members. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A series of correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard Law regarding AALS representation in the Social Science Research Council. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard Law regarding problems of research. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin Griswold of Harvard, and Adam Yarmolinsky regarding comments and opinions on a past conference. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Erwin N. Griswold concerning an article in the Wisconsin Bar Bulletin about the proposed State constitutional amendments. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harvard Law regarding a recommendation for a department vacancy. Correspondence
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Correspondence between Hurst and Dean Erwin Griswold of Harvard Law regarding an invitation for Hurst to join Harvard's faculty. Correspondence