Kathryn Hendley, Temporal and Regional Patterns of Commerical Litigation in Post-Soviet Russia, 39 Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 379 (1998).
An American lawyer, political scientist, and specialist on Russian law and its application in the business environment examines the evolution of commercial litigation in arbitrazh courts. The research-- based on analysis of official statistical forms that individual courts submit annually to the Higher Arbitrazh Court and interviews with business managers-- focuses on trends and regional variations in the number and types of cases decided by these courts, including those involving nonpayments, bank services, collateral, commercial paper, damage to business reputation, and participation of foreigners. Coverage also extends to the speed and cost of litigating as well as to the appeals process.
Public Note
Additional bibliographic information:
Hendley, K. (1998). Temporal and Regional Patterns of Commercial Litigation in Post-Soviet Russia. Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, 39(7), 371-390.