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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Whose Duty Of Elder Care? Examining Aging Law And Policy In Taiwan Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Relevance Of The Concept Of Due Diligence For International Humanitarian Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Navigating The Mississippi International Watercourse: The Right Of Innocent Passage? A Riparian Opportunity For Canada & Mexico Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Driving The Future: The Antiquated Treaties, Unintended Effects, And Inconsistent Implementation Of Autonomous Vehicle Law Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
This May Offend You: Scotland’s “Nazi Pug” Case And Free Speech In The Internet Age Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The WTO Versus The Donald: Why The WTO Must Adopt A Review Standard For Article XXI(B) Of The GATT Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Future of Just War Theory in the Age of Cyberwarfare Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Stranded at the Border: An Analysis of the Legality of International Travel Restrictions Adopted by States in the COVID-19 Pandemic in Light of the Right to Return to One’s Country Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
“I Am the River, the River is Me”: How Environmental Personhood Can Protect Tribal Food Systems Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Codifying Comity: The Case for U.S. Ratification of the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Trouble in Paradise: Regulation of Instagram Influencers in the United States and the United Kingdom Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Human Rights in Pursuit of Climate Justice Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Climate and Gender Justice in Sub-Saharan Africa: Emerging Trends Post-Paris 2015 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Being, Becoming, and (Un)Becoming Indigenous? Indigeneity, Human Rights, and Climate Change Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Combating Climate Change in Nigeria: An Appraisal of Constitutional and Legal Frameworks Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A Proposal for Transnational Litigation Against Climate Change Violations in Africa Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Intersection of Human Rights and Climate Change in the Inter-American Human Rights System: What to Hope For? Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Advent of International Human Rights Law in Climate Change Litigation Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Start of History for Corporate Law: Shifting Paradigms of Corporate Purpose in the Common Law Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Regulating Cyber Racism in the United States: Legal and Non-Legal Responses from a Comparative Perspective Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Where Next for Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Following the Marshall Islands’ Cases? Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Suffering in Silence: The Failure of Malawi’s Sexual Offense Laws to Protect Children–A Human Rights Report and Proposed Legislation Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Tort of Negligent Investigation: Canada’s Recognition of the Tort as a Model for Improving Compensation for the Wrongfully Convicted Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Petitioning the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for Relief from Climate Change Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Climate Change Loss and Damage Litigation: Infeasible or a Useful Shadow? Journal Article