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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 9 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 10 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 9 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 8 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 10 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the New Editor Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Law Student Idealism and Job Choice: Some New Data on an Old Question Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Lawyers and Consumer Protection Laws Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Lawyers and Neighborhood Legal Services: Social Background from the Impetus for Reform Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Legal Loci and Places in the Heart: Community and Identity in Sociolegal Studies Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Market Discrimination Against the Poor and the Impact of Consumer Disclosure Laws: The Used Car Industry Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Comment: Farther Along Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Complexity and Contradiction in the Legal Order: Balbus and the Challenge of Critical Social Thought About Law Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A New Social Constructionism for Sociolegal Studies Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Business Litigation in the Transition: A Portrait of Debt Collection in Russia Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Why the "Haves" Come Out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Impact of Fee Arrangement on Lawyer Effort Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Legal Malaise; or, Justice Observed Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Socialization Effects of Professional School: The Law School Experience and Students' Orientation to School Reform Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Socialization Effects of Public School: The Law School Experience and Student Orientations to Public Interest Concerns Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Studying Courts in Context Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Review: Language, Law, and Social Meanings: Linguistic/Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Law Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Rule-Centrism Versus Legal Creativity: The Skewing of Legal Ideology Through Language Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Case Congregations and Their Careers Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Uses of History: Language, Ideology, and Law in the United States and South Africa Journal Article