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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks' Access to Justice and Human Security: Cultural Contradictions in Rural South Africa Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Paying for the Past: Redressing the Legacy of Land Dispossession in South Africa Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Functions of Courts in the United States, 1950-1980 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Afterword: Explaining Litigation Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Afterword: The Construction and Deconstruction of a Disputes-Focused Approach Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
An Incomplete Bibliography of the Indian Legal Profession Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Another Brief for Business- Book Review: Judicial Jeopardy: When Business Collides with the Courts by Richard Neely Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Bilateral Investment Treaties, Credible Commitment, and the Rule of (International) Law: Do BITs Promote Foreign Direct Investment? Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Internal Dispute Resolution: The Transformation of Civil Rights in the Workplace Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Introduction: The Study of the Indian Legal Profession Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Jury Research in America: Its Past and Future Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Cracking the 'Red, White, and Blue' Ceiling: Towards a New International Role for the Law and Society Association Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Delivering Legality: Some Proposals for the Direction of Research Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Do the "Haves" Still Come Out Ahead? Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Max Weber's Tragic Modernism and the Study of Law in Society Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
On Rattling Cages: Joel Handler Goes to Philadelphia and Gives a Presidential Address Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Organizations, Institutions, and the Story of Shmuel: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Law and Society Association Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Participation and Flexibility in Informal Processes: Cautions from the Divorce Context Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Participation and Flexibility in Informal Processes: Cautions from the Divorce Context Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Professional Construction of Law: The Inflated Threat of Wrongful Discharge Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Images of Law in Everyday Life: The Lessons of School, Entertainment, and Spectator Sports Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 8 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 8 Journal Article
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
From the Editor - Volume 10 Journal Article