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UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Phases and Components of Agrarian Reform: An Analytical Framework Lecture
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Gathering Survey Data for Agrarian Legal Studies in Latin America Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Agrarian Reform Support: Strengthening of a National Center for Applied Research (CIERA) to Enhance the Operational Effectiveness of Nicaragua's Agrarian Reform Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Land Sale Program in El Salvador Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
A Half-Decade of Agrarian Reform in Nicaragua Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Ambito Juridico-Institucional de la Reforma Agraria Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Analysis of Proposed GOES Legislation for Establishing a Land Purchase Financing Institution, including the role in this program of the commercial parcelization procedures Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Aspectos Socio-Juridicos de la Reforma Agraria en America Latina Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Bibliografía temática sobre aspectos jurídico-institucionales del proceso de reforma agraria en América Latina, con énfasis en el proceso chileno de 1965-1970 Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Are titling programs always good?: comments on "Rural land titling projects in developing countries" by Ian P. Williamson Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Derecho y Cambio Social en America Latina vol. 1 Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Derecho y Cambio Social en America Latina vol. 2 Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Expropriation and and Title Distribution Under the Bolivian Agrarian Reform: 1953-1967 Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Inseguridad en la Tenencia de la Tierra en Areas Rurales de America Latina Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
La reforma agraria nicaragüense: año primero (1979-80) Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Limitations of Colombian Legislation Aimed at Parcelization of Large Farms Through Expropriation of Purchase Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Nicaraguan Agrarian Reform Process: 1979-82 Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Problems which obstruct the process of title distribution under the Bolivian agrarian reform Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Rol del derecho en el cambio social: la expropiación en el proceso actual de reforma agraria en Chile Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
The Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: Problems and Perspectives Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Title Insecurity in Colombia Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Agrarian Reform in the Dominican Republic: The Views of Four Consultants Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Potential LTC collaboration with IERAC and/or other Ecuadorean institutions or agencies involved in the agrarian reform process in Ecuador Report
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
El Derecho Como Instrumento del Cambio Social: comentarios sobre un modelo de derecho y desarrollo Working Paper
UW Law Digital Repository Resource
Constitutionalism, Property Rights and Agrarian Reform Working Paper